Welcome to the Toddler Room


The age group for this room is 15 months to 2.5 years of age depending on enrolment. There is a 1 teacher to 5 children ratio in this room. The room limit for enrolment is 15 children with 3 teachers.

The Toddler Room is a cheerful, happy place, children think they’re playing all the time; in fact, they are learning social and classroom skills. Each day the children will engage in all kinds of hands-on activities. They explore, inquire and discover solutions by themselves. These fun learning activities are all age appropriate, they will help build confidence, instill self-esteem, encourage self-expression, and develop social skills.

There are five important areas that prepare children for early stages for elementary school.
1. Social and emotional development;
2. Approach to learning;
3. Language development;
4. Physical well being and motor development, and
5. General knowledge

The Toddler Room will provide a monthly calendar describing all special events, birthdays and activities. Programs are prepared weekly which outlines what the children will be doing on a daily basis. Programs and calendars are posted on the board by the door as well as a copy to the parents.

A cubby is provided with a name tag for your child’s coat, bag, rest blanket and spare clothing.


It is recommended that one to two weeks prior to your child/children’s official start date, you set up an orientation time with the supervisor and/or Director of Operations.

The following is a recommended schedule for an orientation:
• 1 – 2 hour visits with parent/guardian in attendance
• 2 hour visit without parent/guardian in attendance (1/2 day without lunch)


The program begins at 8:50 a.m. Morning circle is held every day to discuss calendar, weather, songs, story, Mini-phonics, special event “theme days”, birthdays, and group discussions. Our goal is to teach the basic concepts (i.e. letters, numbers, colours, shapes, sizes etc.). and prepare each child for a smooth transition into our Junior room and into Senior Room.

Part of the Toddler Room is to learn about sharing and getting along with others. This is a time when they begin participating in activities for longer periods – listening to stories, singing songs, playing games, and doing art projects.

Through stories, children learn to appreciate language, gain new vocabulary, and learn to use new words and concepts. Simple participatory songs and games are important introductions to speech patterns, sensory motor skill development and movement skills.

Guidelines for both development and curriculum. This makes the transition from the Toddler Room program into the Junior Room smooth, natural and fun.

Play/Learning Areas

The room layout provides learning/play areas for each child to explore. Toys and activities are rotated weekly. Ongoing program plans will foster physical, social, intellectual, emotional and creative independence, self-help skills and community awareness.

The daily play areas and learning centers/activities include:

(Please see parent Handbook for information on each play area)

• Table toys
• Large motor activities
• Creative art
• Block play
• Fine motor activities
• Cognitive activities
• Puzzles & Dramatic play
• Music and movement
• Reading area
• Science and nature

During the play/learning areas, the teacher(s) will circulate the room observing children and joining in their play. The teacher(s) will periodically sit with a small group of children to complete a teacher-directed activity.

Toddler Room

RATIO: 1:5

Our little toddlers are cared for in a safe, tender, loving environment. Our Staff work with parents to minimize separation anxiety and helping each child develop positive relationships with staff and each other.

Toddlers love their daily buggy rides as well as outdoor time in our Toddler Play area. In class, they participate in a circle time. This includes a story, singing songs, checking the weather & playing games. Toddlers also enjoy sensory activities, block play, dramatic play, creative art but most of all, socializing with each other.

Their classroom contains a variety of materials which build on the development of their various motor skills. The washroom is attached to the classroom and in addition to a change table there are two miniature toilets for any children who are ready for potty training.

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